New Year, New Ventures... as they say!

Ciao my lovelies! 

First of all let me start by introduction myself, I'm Ana, a newly cap and gown'd graduate with a Photography and Journalism degree under my dearly missed student belt. 

I live in one of the best cities in the world and no I'm not biased, ask anyone who's not a Londoner and I'm sure they'd agree. We may not have the sun, the sand and the closest we can get to the sea is Margate but we do boast the best fashion and style. Ok... we may share that last crown with a few of world's other great cities but I would not be a true Londoner if I didn't talk up our runway.

A blog has been on my to-do list for years and years and now I think it is time I get round to ticking that off my list. (I'm slightly OCD, so to-do lists are my thing!)

I will not bore you with telling you more about me just now, you will hopefully enjoy doing so by visiting and reading.

Til' my next and official first post.



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